A collection of speculative definitions for time and space
This repository contains my novel and speculative definitions of time, alongside a forthcoming unified framework for fundamental quantities. My intention is to share these ideas as a starting point for analysis and exploration.
Time and Distance: A New Approach
This document reexamines the conventional understanding of time as a universal constant, proposing instead that “clock time” measures the rate of change of actual time. It introduces a framework suggesting an equivalency between time and distance, analogous to Einstein’s energy-mass equivalency. The work explores mathematical relationships linking time, distance, mass, and energy, and tests these ideas against the estimated age of the universe. While untested and unreviewed, this exploration is intended to spark discussion and offer fresh perspectives on the interplay of fundamental forces and constants.
Time and Distance: A New Approach (stored on Zenodo.org)
Time and Distance - Custom OpenAI ChatGPT (A custom GPT designed to interact with the concepts from Time and Distance: A New Approach)
Universe Framework for Time, Distance, Energy, and Mass
Building upon the concepts in Time and Distance: A New Approach, proposed here is a framework for how time, distance, energy, and mass relate to each other within a universe.
Universe Framework for Time, Distance, Energy, and Mass (stored on Zenodo.org)
Time Defines the Gravitational Constant and Fundamental Spacetime Curvature
Building upon the concepts in Time and Distance: A New Approach and Universe Framework for Time, Distance, Energy, and Mass, proposed here is how the temporal rate of change for the universe defines time.
Time Defines the Gravitational Constant and Fundamental Spacetime Curvature (stored on Zenodo.org)
Additional Links
Temporal Sciences - Foundations - YouTube Channel - (https://www.youtube.com/@ColinLynchWorld)
I hope you find this work engaging as a speculative framework and an alternative perspective on these fundamental concepts.
Thank you for your time,
Colin Lynch